quarta-feira, 26 de março de 2008

Olá, Tudo Bem ?

Coelhinho da Páscoa
Que trazes pra mim?

Um ovo, dois ovos,
Três ovos assim

Coelhinho da Páscoa
Que cor eles têm?

Azul, amarelo,
Vermelho também

quinta-feira, 20 de março de 2008

Cigarette Sessions: Bukowski

love is a piece of paper torn to bits


we have everything and we have nothing.
some do it well enough for a while and
then give way. fame gets them or disgust
or age or lack of proper diet or ink
across the eyes or children in college
or new cars or broken backs while skiing
in Switzerland or new politics or new wives
or just natural change and decay –
the man you knew yesterday hooking
for ten rounds or drinking for three days and
three nights by the Sawtooth mountains now
just something under a sheet or a cross
or a stone or under an easy delusion,
or packing a bible or a golf bag or a
briefcase: how they go, how they go! — all
the ones you thought would never go.

days like this. like your day today.


what do you see today?
what is it? where are you? the best
days are sometimes the first, sometimes
the middle and even sometimes the last.
the vacant lots are not bad, churches in
Europe on postcards are not bad. people in
wax museums frozen into their best sterility
are not bad, horrible but not bad. the
cannon, think of the cannon, and toast for
breakfast the coffee hot enough you
know your tongue is still there, three
geraniums outside a window, trying to be
red and trying to be pink and trying to be
geraniums, no wonder sometimes the women
cry, no wonder the mules don’t want
to go up the hill.


one more good day. a little bit of it.


enough and not enough. arcs and pilgrims,
oranges gutters, ferns, antibodies, boxes of
tissue paper.

in the most decent sometimes sun
there is the softsmoke feeling from urns
and the canned sound of old battleplanes
and if you go inside and run your finger
along the window ledge you’ll find
dirt, maybe even earth.
and if you look out the window
there will be the day, and as you
get older you’ll keep looking
keep looking
sucking your tongue in a little
ah ah no no maybe


we have everything and we have nothing.


Fragmentos del poema: Something For The Touts, The Nuns, The Grocery Clerks, And You…

segunda-feira, 17 de março de 2008

Poema nos meus 43 anos

terminar sozinho
no túmulo de um quarto
sem cigarros
nem bebida-
careca como uma lâmpada,
e feliz por ter um quarto.
...de manhã
eles estão lá fora
ganhando dinheiro:
juízes, carpinteiros,
encanadores , médicos,
jornaleiros, guardas,
barbeiros, lavadores de carro,
dentistas, floristas,
garçonetes, cozinheiros,
motoristas de táxi...
e você se vira
para o lado pra pegar o sol
nas costas e não
direto nos olhos.

charles bukowski
tradução: Jorge Wanderley